
Company news


Want to know how we solved the problem of upright walking? We invite everyone on July 13-14 to #geekpicnic in Moscow!!!More
The demonstration was held in the LLC "ProBioMech" office.More
On May 29, 2018, the program “Morning of Russia” released a story about our development.More
Dear colleagues, friends! From March 31 to June 1, the Startup Bazaar exhibition will be held as part of the Startup Village conference.More
On April 27-28, the first international exhibition of advanced developments and innovations in the field of fitness, wellness and active lifestyle Global Innovation was held at the Skolkovo InnovationMore
Our project "The complex for treating spine deseases and innervation depended organs using gravitational traction with 3d vibration controlled system" is recognized as the best project in the cluster More
From 27 to 28 April 2018, the first in Russia exhibition of innovations in fitness will be held as part of the business forum "Global Fitness Forum".More

The first working prototype of the complex for the treatment spine diseases and innervation-dependent organs using method of gravitational extension with a system of 3-dimensional controlled vibrationMore